We’ve all been there and we’ve all said it at one point in our lives. He or she is too old for her or him. There’s no shame in that statement and we should not avoid this subject. However, we will avoid all the drama from the tabloids and focus on practical, real-life examinations. Mostly because the question of the age gap is a rather controversial one. So, we will set up some parameters to aid us in our analysis. First of all, you’re currently visiting the Senior Dating Expert site, so this means we will be focusing on seniors. And to make things perfectly clear, we’ll say that seniors are over sixty years old.
As you can notice, the biggest possible age gap can now range anywhere from 20 to even 30 years and more. Now, when I said to you that someone is dating a person 20 years their senior, you would feel that this is quite unnatural. Something that just doesn’t feel right. However, when I told you that the first person is 60 years old and the second person is 80 years old, you would change your opinion quite a bit. And let’s not beat around the bush here and just be blunt with it. We don’t think that there’s an age gap issue when it comes to seniors dating. And pay attention to what we said there.

These seniors are dating, it’s not like they’re going to get married and have children in a couple of years. Most of them already have grandkids. So, let us elaborate a bit. If we take a look at dating under 60, we’ll find out that the acceptable age gap is somewhere around 10 years. Please note that this varies from person to person. And different organizations, movements, and other parties all have different views on this. Some think that the acceptable age gap is anywhere from 3 to 5 years. While others say that up to 15 years is not a big issue.
So, in light of these findings, we can safely say that the 20-year age gap in Senior Dating is not a big deal. In fact, it feels like a natural progression. When you’re younger, you’re not just looking for people who are around your age but you’re meeting them constantly. Just think of so many couples who met in their senior year in high school or university. The workplace environment differs quite a bit but still consists of people who are mostly the same age. With this being said, it’s time to talk about why we’re even talking about the age gap issue in the first place.

The whole discussion is based on the notion that there will be a disbalance in the relationship if one person is significantly older than the other. You can say that this is a form of predatory behavior where disingenuous people take advantage of their partners. However, not all people are like that. We would like to think that most people are kind-hearted and honest individuals with a few bad apples thrown in the mix. If we further break down this issue of disbalance, we find that it branches off in several different directions.
We will exclude from our analysis any bad actors, people who do not have good intentions and want to exploit the relationship for their own nefarious purposes. They’re just bad people and they require no further analysis. Moving on, the first topic when it comes to the issue of disbalance in the relationship with the age gap is the topic of emotions. We can safely say that most people are emotionally mature by the time they turn sixty. The same goes for the next topic and those are the finances. You’re settled and your financial situation is your own, it doesn’t come into play too much in your relationship.

The social stigma of dating someone older or younger when you’re over sixty is also not that strong. If it exists at all. Most people will even use it to positively enforce the relationship. Next up we have the notion of different life stages, also not applicable to seniors. We think that you can already see a trend emerging from all of these things. A trend that dismisses the notion of a problematic age gap when it comes to senior dating. The age gap won’t be an issue if you two seniors are right for each other. And if you’re right for each other you will live longer, happy together.