We, here at Senior Dating Expert, love to bust myths about this subject. And the question of whether men in their seventies are any good in bed is the one we get a lot. It’s quite natural to inquire about these things, especially if you’re about to enter a relationship with an older man. In order to make this article as informative as possible we better start at the beginning. And the beginning of this myth takes us all the way to the dawn of humanity. Today, we live much longer than our ancestors did thanks to not just the wonders of science and medicine but also our lifestyles in general.
The same extends, no pun intended, to our sex life that’s now much richer than it was in the past. Not only the social stigma of senior dating is slowly but surely disappearing but the physical attributes of older people have also greatly improved. Resources you can find online about how to make the most of your sex life as a senior are also increasing at an exponential rate. To be quite blunt, what we’re talking about here are the best sexual positions, practices and preparations surrounding the act of making love in your seventies. On top of all of that, a seventy-year-old man knows exactly what women want. And he knows how to satisfy them.
So, the reason why our seniors are so good in bed today is that they’re better informed and have access to all kinds of things that were unavailable just twenty years ago. They know how to set the mood, how to prepare the scene sort of speak. Of course, we’re talking about the ones who know all these things. If you’re dating someone who doesn’t know them, it’s time you talk to them about it in a non-judgmental way.

At the time we’re writing this article, two elderly gentlemen just became fathers. You might’ve heard of them as they’re somewhat popular actors. Both Robert De Niro, who’s 79 years old, and Al Pacino, who’s 83 years old, recently became fathers. Well, congratulations fellows! They’ve aged like fine wine and are still very much virile and active in bed. They’re also dispelling myths that men in their seventies are not good in bed. Do you know who is spreading these rumors? Men who are younger than them. It’s true, they’re trying to convince women to date younger men, perhaps in their sixties, thinking that this is going to work.
We would now like to focus on how to get the most out of your sexual relationship with a seventy-year-old man. And it doesn’t matter if you’re that guy because you also need to hear this. Everything begins with honesty and communication. Those two things are the basis of any relationship. What follows is an inevitable visit to the doctor. You need to consult with your doctor about your medication and the stuff you can use to enhance your sexual performance. You know what we’re talking about. However, there are some things that do not require a visit to the doctor and those are lubricants.

Couples in their seventies also expand their definition of what sexual intercourse is. We’re not just talking about touching and kissing but tantric meditation that can greatly increase a sexual experience with a seventy-year-old man. Did you know that by using it, you can reach an orgasm without any kind of contact with the other person? This informative article from WebMD can be your starting point on a beautiful and sensual journey. The seventy-year-old man today is not the same as the one from ten or twenty years ago. Finally, if you’re looking for senior dates, check out our list of Best Senior Dating Sites.