We’ve all been there, lost for words and overthinking what should we write in that first and crucial message on a dating site. Remember, this is a fairly new thing, online dating. For thousands of years, we communicated with each other face-to-face using many non-verbal cues. Just think how important a single smile or a single look can be and you’ll know what we’re talking about. However, none of that appears in the world of online dating. You’re usually left with just one option and that’s to send a message to somebody. This is because all the big dating sites are designed with one thing in mind and that’s profit.
First of all, we recommend you join one of the special, senior dating sites. Almost all of them are free to join including the biggest one Senior Next. And if you want to find out more, you can always take a look at our list of Best Senior Dating Sites. With that out of the way, it’s time to start writing your perfect first message. You should open with a usual greeting hi or hello and follow it up with something you did before sending this message. Maybe you watched your favorite television show or you went to the store. And if you didn’t do anything of importance that’s okay too and you can mention that in your message.
We’re trying to establish rapport here and this will make you relatable and honest. And thus, more likely to receive a reply. What you should do next is introduce yourself. We know you already did that with your profile but just stay with us for this one. You should do it semi-formally and in just one sentence. What we’re trying to accomplish with all of this is to mimic real life. To make this thing feel as natural as possible. To give it structure and a sense of direction. The next part of the message is possibly the most important one. You should mention something you like about that other person. Perhaps you like how they smile or something you read in their bio.

Something that made you want to write to them. This will put them in a good mood and make them more likely to respond to your message. We all love compliments, don’t we? Finally, you should end your message with a simple question that’s easy to answer. For example, are you originally from that city or state? Or how long have you been on this site? Something that can be answered in just one sentence and something that’s provocative. All of this goes for this first message and for the first message alone. As you start talking more and more, you should open up and tell that other person more about your goals and values.
The last thing you would want is to spend a lot of time on something that wasn’t going to work in the first place. This is why it’s important, to be honest in your communication with other people on senior dating sites. And don’t worry, they will be honest with you too. This is why the whole thing works because it’s a place where like-minded people can meet and talk.