It sounds so strange doesn’t it, to think that one photo can determine your online dating experience? If you choose the wrong photo, people will have a totally different relationship with you. Or, most likely, they won’t have any kind of relationship with you. This is the world we live in now and we have to accept it. Things were not like this in the past, as we’re sure you remember. Now, you’re asked to pour everything you are, everything that has happened to you, and everything you will be into this one single photo. A photo that has to be positive, appealing, and charming. We know that this sounds like a daunting task but don’t worry, Senior Dating Expert is here to help you.
The first tip we have for you is to steer clear of all major dating platforms. If you heard of this dating site or seen a commercial, this means you should avoid it. They’re simply not suited for senior dating when compared to sites specifically designed and created for this purpose. If you’re wondering what some of those sites are, you can take a look at our list of Best Senior Dating Sites. Most of them are free to join including the most popular one Date Over 60. So, with that out of the way, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty. The answers to these two questions will help you better understand the kind of photo you should choose for a Senior dating site. What do you want from this experience and what kind of image of yourself you’re trying to project to the world?

Keep the answers in the back of your head and don’t take them too literally. For example, if you’re looking for a more serious relationship this doesn’t mean you should be all serious in the picture. It’s more about the mood and atmosphere than anything else. Also, the most important element of your profile picture is your smile! It doesn’t have to be a big smile but it’s preferable that you have it. It will make the photo feel appealing and welcoming. And yourself as someone who’s easy to talk to. You should avoid taking selfies as your front camera on the phone is of inferior quality when compared to the main one. And when using the main one you should not use flash as it messes with the color balance and perspective.
Use natural lighting and you won’t have any problems with this. It goes without saying that you should not use photoshop or filters. What we’re trying to do here is get the photo to feel as natural as possible. Finally, you should use a recent photo and not an old one. The last thing you would want is to meet someone who doesn’t look like their profile photo. So, you should not do it yourself. Do not be afraid to experiment and choose at least ten photos you think could be good for your profile picture. You can even run little experiments to see how people react to it and whether anything changes. Keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.